During the lab sessions will be developed in a basic programming language artificial intelligence is LIPS (or a variant thereof) or CLIPS and this is directed towards the development of rule-based expert systems. Also in the lab sessions can evaluate the progress of work.
The course is developed through theoretical - practical activities, emphasizing applications in industry and services. The students were divided into teams of 3 develop two computational work. During the theory sessions will discuss the proposed problem solving. During the lab sessions will assess the progress of the work computer and the process of learning a language of artificial intelligence.
Final Mean (PF) is determined as follows:
PF = 0.025 (CL1 + CL2 + CL3 + CL4) + 0.075 (TB1 + TB2) + 0.15 * 0.30 * LA + (EA + EB)
CLx: Reading Controls (CL1, CL2, CL3 and CL4)
TB1: Group Work (Games Smart Man - Machine)
TB2: Group Work (Expert Systems)
EA: Partial Review
EB: Final Exam
LA: Laboratory
The student may replace the exam partial or final if unable to provide any of these tests. Only the student will be evaluated for 70% or more of assistance.
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